Enter the address play.pearlmc.net in to your Minecraft client to start playing on Pearlmc. :)
We're on Twitter! Follow @PearlmcNet for updates and tips about our server!
Be sure to Like our page on Facebook! We're at facebook.com/Pearlmc.Net
Join our Discord server for both voice and text chat out of game!
Visit the Pearlmc Discord Server thread for full information.
Pearlmc was founded in July 2012 by ModernDragoness with the name WhitePearlmc, sponsored by Eximius Gaming. Pearl started as simply a semi-vanilla server with four Worlds, though these Worlds were a little different from the current Worlds of Pearl. The idea was to have a casual server that was enjoyable but still survival mode.
In January 2013, WhitePearlmc was largely reset and rebranded as Pearlmc. The current Worlds were freshly created, though Ateph has since been reset a couple times as a world intentionally created for destruction. Pearl's previous description was altered at this time to represent a more challenging game experience instead of merely a survival server.
In April 2013, Pearlmc transitioned from being a sponsored server of Eximius Gaming to a hosted server of Minetown (also part of Eximius Gaming). Pearlmc's own website was discarded as being barely used in favor of using Minetown's forums for website communications. Pearlmc maintained some independent identity but was fully considered part of Minetown and connected to the other Minetown servers.
In October 2013, cyberdrifter was promoted to co-owner of Pearl.
In April 2014, Pearlmc remained part of Minetown, but again returned to using its own website in the interest of better serving Pearl's members.
In October 2014, Pearlmc split from Minetown, and while remaining part of Eximius Gaming, is separately hosted.
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