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What Me and Jo came up with

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Shayne1010, Jun 1, 2015.

  1. Shayne1010

    Shayne1010 Officer

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    Me and Jo though that soon there should be a summer build since we haven't had a build contest in along time we really should and if it is decided that there isn't 1 ill just do a build contest myself maybe probably not. Miles cross that last sentence out it would probably never happen but i will pay for the prizes if we do have a build contest if Cyber would mind but if he wanted to he can but back to the main point we should have a build contest sometime.:eek: <------ My face if staff where to say yes and also my face if i am not wearing my shades i look wacky this would be with :cool: shades. As you can see here if i was writing a essay i would be marked down a lot cause i really went of topic of what i was saying. If you agree we should have one then say we should but if not saying nothing.
    Last edited: Jun 1, 2015
  2. Primaxed

    Primaxed Member

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    That would be pretty cool. :)
    Especially since I LOVE building. :D

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