With the last update for mincraft llamas were added, being the kind of player that wants to see the new stuff I just had to get brave the new world boarder to look for a llama to bring home back to my spawn stables. On my way back to spawn I got a little sleepy, needing somewhere to keep my wonderful beast safe I built a pen to keep her in, i then promptly took a nap and forgot to keep myself safe. When I woke I was being carried away by morlocks looking very much like evokers. I won my freedom but was lost, and more importantly so was my llama. If you find my llama pen you will win a prize of 2 llama spawn eggs (the only 2 on Pearl) and a shulker box. All you need to do to win when you find the llama is to make a new PE with the llama's name. You can keep the llama, I did not train it. Hint list: The llama pen is not in a biome where llama spawn. I am quite sure I did not build the pen in a swamp I don't think I was traveling anywhere near due north when I build the pen. I don't think there is ever snow were I built the pen. I know I had less than 10,000 5,000 blocks to go before I got back to spawn. At least there were not large mushrooms around on which the llama could eat and get sick. There was some sugarcane for the llama's sweet tooth. The llama pen was built so she would have some shade from trees. There are no cliffs for the llama to fall off where I built the pen. No lily pads around the pen It has been more than 2 weeks an my poor llama is either very lonely or morlock bate, it is time for some more direct hints. I was traveling south and west back to spawn when I built the pen The pen is next to a stream There was plenty of woods around from which I could build the fence for the pen. I was more than 2500 blocks from my stables near spawn If I remember correctly after the pen biome I was going to have to cross desert go get back to the stables.