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  1. Enter the address in to your Minecraft client to start playing on Pearlmc. :)
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    Visit the Pearlmc Discord Server thread for full information.

9 years and more to come!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Dragoness, Jul 31, 2021.

  1. Dragoness

    Dragoness Archon

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    Time keeps moving forward and Pearl is still alive to have a 9th birthday! :D

    For good reason, cyberdrifter could not be online today, but I have indicated there will still be cake that is a lie when he can get on again. ;)

    Also, news regarding server updates will be coming soon. :) 1.17.x clients may connect to the server even though it is still on 1.16.5 and newer features are not available.
    Dimbulb and Shayne1010 like this.
  2. Shayne1010

    Shayne1010 Officer

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    2021-07-31_21.33.24.png Watching Modern busy at work on Pearl's 9th Birthday. Also there's a giant Cake ghast watching us.
    Dragoness likes this.

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