Woot, December 17 is almost here, it is the day that we give players the ability to fly on Pearlmc. What is first flight day on Pearl? It is a day that we give players an hour(ish) to fly. Do I get to fly all day? Nope, flying time is between 7PM and 8PM EST. Be on the ground at 8PM or that first step might hurt. Hey, at least flight is not limited to the 12 seconds 0f the first Wright Brother's flight. Staff may expand or add non-announced flight times. I just login during that hour and I can fly? Yes, however you have to /msg cyberdrifter the flight password. What is the flight password? Don't you know we are not suppose to give out passwords? Okay, just this one time but keep is a secret. The password phrase you have to message cyberdrifter is "learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss." What should I do when I am flying? You might want to work on your Holidays of December build contest entry. You could gather materials for your Holidays of December build contest entry. Get a good overlook of your own homes.