We are having our 4th annual Holidays of December build Contest. Before you read all this text you should get on Pearl and run the /gift command to get a new gift every day in December. Today's gift is very appropriate to the holiday on December 1st. We are looking for creative builds (in non-creative game mode) And example today (December 01 2016) is Eat a Red Apple Day. Do a internet search for Odd Holidays of December 2016 if you are looking for ideas. FAQ: 1) How do I enter: Easy you ask staff for a plot at /warp contest Pay the 3 Pearl entry fee Build the your entry. 2) When does the contest end? December 21 2016 ~ 7PM EST extended till Friday December 30 2016 ~ 7PM EST 3) What can I build? Anything appropriate to our family server in a holiday theme. 4) Can my entry represent a "traditional" holiday in December? See the answer to question 3 5) How will judges know what holiday my build represents? You can place a sign in your plot explaining your build. 6) Who will Judge? All the players of Pearl. 7) What can I win? This prize tree: 8) Wait I see 3 trees, what gives? We will have 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners. 8a) What are the head on the first place tree? Dimbulb was playing with his newly enchanted tools and had a "accident", somehow took off all the heads off the staff of Officer and higher rank (including his own). We had to put them somewhere. 9) Is that all, can't cyberdrifter think of any other prizes? um, ya . . . minecraft does not have pizza (unless you use /kit Cyberpizza) Happy building everybody, I can't wait to see the creativity again this year.
Ill try and get on there to build something but idk if i am gonna have enough time if not good luck to everyone and Merry Christmas.
Is the 4rd. contest the one that folllows the 3th. ? anyways, Ill be there competing with all my frinds ... C'mon over and get a contest plot and show us your Holiday spirit
And the winners are: 1st place lordsirrom42 with R2D2 santa. 2nd place JennaBlueCloud and her Eight Maids a Milking. 3rd place Dimbulb with his Time Square ball. Thank you for all the builds and votes.