Welcome to Pearl Minecraft survival!

We are a vanilla-like, independent Minecraft survival server with special play features and free-to-earn ranks.

Check out our server wiki to read about the features! • Join us in game at play.pearlmc.net

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  1. Enter the address play.pearlmc.net in to your Minecraft client to start playing on Pearlmc. :)
  2. We're on Twitter! Follow @PearlmcNet for updates and tips about our server!
  3. Be sure to Like our page on Facebook! We're at facebook.com/Pearlmc.Net
  4. Join our Discord server for both voice and text chat out of game!

    Visit the Pearlmc Discord Server thread for full information.


by cyberdrifter at 3:06 PM
(2,230 Views / 0 Likes)
The day is almost upon us, the anniversary of the day (October 22 2013) that I was able to really damage the server.
Archon day! Friday October 22, 2021.

Festivities planed at 8pm EST (unless I get a deer that day) to include a Dropzone if we have enough players on. There might be some PearlMC 9th year cake involved. Don't worry the cake won't bee too stale. Some say "the cake is a lie", undoubtedly part of the vast creeper plot.

You can celebrate by working on your 2021 Halloween build contest entry.
by cyberdrifter at 1:38 PM
(3,888 Views / 1 Likes)
Announcing the 2021 Pearl Halloween build contest.

Wait, what? Pearl is having another Halloween build contest?.

Yes it is true.

When was the last PeralMC Halloween build contest.
When was the last one? 2018, really and 2015 before that. Say it ain't so.

Who can enter?
you (as long as you are a member of Pearl).

When does the contest start?
Today, October 16th 2021.

When does the contest end?
Saturday October 30 2021 7PM EST.
Voting ends Saturday November 6th, 2021 7pm EST.

Does it cost anything to enter the contest?

Not this time...
by Dragoness at 7:47 PM
(1,637 Views / 2 Likes)
Time keeps moving forward and Pearl is still alive to have a 9th birthday! :D

For good reason, cyberdrifter could not be online today, but I have indicated there will still be cake that is a lie when he can get on again. ;)

Also, news regarding server updates will be coming soon. :) 1.17.x clients may connect to the server even though it is still on 1.16.5 and newer features are not available.
by cyberdrifter at 8:12 PM
(1,604 Views / 0 Likes)
Woot, December 17 is almost here (Thursday of this week), it is the day that we give players the ability to fly on Pearlmc for an hour.

What is first flight day on Pearl?
It is a day that we give players an hour(ish) to fly.

Do I get to fly all day?
Nope, flying time is between 6PM and 7PM EST. Be on the ground at 7PM or that first step might hurt. Hey, at least flight is not limited to the 12 seconds 0f the first Wright Brother's flight.

I just login during that hour and I can fly?

Yes, however you have to /msg cyberdrifter the flight password.

What is the flight password?
Don't you know we are not suppose to give out passwords? Okay, just this one time but keep is a secret. The password phrase you have to message cyberdrifter is "Heavier-than-air...
by cyberdrifter at 6:56 PM
(2,070 Views / 3 Likes)
Before you read all this text you should get on Pearl and run the /gift command to get a new gift every day in December.

We are looking for creative builds (in non-creative game mode)
And example (December 4 2020) is National Cookie Day.
Do a internet search for Odd Holidays of December 2020 if you are looking for ideas.

1) How do I enter:
  1. Easy you ask staff for a plot at /warp contest
  2. Make a PE at 1 (and only 1) contest build site. First come, first serve.
  3. Wait for an officer+ rank staff to give you permission to build.
  4. Build the your entry.
2) When does the contest end?
Wednesday December 30th 8pm.

3) What can I build?
Anything appropriate...
by Dragoness at 9:45 PM
(2,317 Views / 1 Likes)
We added two new exploration/resource worlds to the server. Both are vanilla generation, but fully made in 1.16.4. Tellan is an overworld, with some interesting ruins not too far away from spawn. Grivan is the netherworld connected with Tellan, inhabited by a variety of Piglins. Nether portals in one of these worlds leads to the other.
Both worlds are accessible via warp.
/warp tellan
/warp grivan

Both Tellan and Grivan are set up in the flavor of Ateph. Difficulty level is set to normal and claims are disabled (spawn zones are protected though). Friendly fire is possible.

Ateph is still available, but only containing materials up to 1.12.2. The current plan is to (hopefully) have a new custom world prepared in January/February, which will replace Ateph, Tellan,...