Enter the address play.pearlmc.net in to your Minecraft client to start playing on Pearlmc. :)
We're on Twitter! Follow @PearlmcNet for updates and tips about our server!
Be sure to Like our page on Facebook! We're at facebook.com/Pearlmc.Net
Join our Discord server for both voice and text chat out of game!
Visit the Pearlmc Discord Server thread for full information.
Eximius Gaming
Pearlmc is part of the gaming network called Eximius Gaming. This network contains servers and guilds for multiple games. Due to the relationship between Pearlmc and Eximius Gaming, discussion about other Minecraft servers part of EximiusGaming is tolerated on Pearlmc.
Minecraft servers currently with Eximius Gaming:
If a Minecraft server is not on the above list, it should not be included in Pearl's public server discussion nor otherwise promoted on Pearlmc.
© Jason Axelrod from 8WAYRUN.COM