We are having our Second annual Holidays of December build Contest. We are looking for creative builds (in non-creative game mode) And example today (December 05 2014) is International Ninja Day. Do a internet search for Odd Holidays of December 2014. FAQ: 1) How do I enter: Easy you ask me for a plot at /warp contest Pay the 3 Pearl entry fee Build the your entry. 2) When does the contest end? December 21 2014 ~ 7PM EST 3) What can I build? Anything appropriate to our family server in a holiday theme. 4) Can my entry represent a "traditional" holiday in December? See the answer to question 3 5) How will judges know what holiday my build represents? You can place a sign in your plot explaining your build. 6) Who will Judge? All the players of Pearl. 7) What can I win? This prize tree:
Hey Cyber, Please save me a plot; I have a GREAT idea on what I shall build to attempt to win this incredible tree!
Thanks cyber, Please sell me the plot when you are next online (even if I am not online) and I shall pay you the entry fee when we next meet on Pearl at the same time. P.S I have made a PE.
And the winner is: Malfurax ~ Hot Coco: Runner up builds: Danzman10 ~ gingerbread house and even though players were told not to vote for my build. cyberdrifter ~ Red nose Ghast with sleigh. Honorable mention: pshchocreeper100 ~ snowman Thanks for all the great builds.
Thank you for the honourable mention cyber! Lol. Please, if you get the time, may you check my last death crate and empty the contents into my donation centre at the front of my house; I cannot access the crate, as it is/was at the contest area. Thanks in advance.
There is no deatchest at /warp contest, there was one a few days ago with mostly junk. It is gone now.