ive been with pearl like 2 years now and yes there as been many good times but my time has come where I am not getting on much anymore so think I am pretty well done I don't have much to do anymore so think that I will just pop on here and there from time to time and not so much everyday maybe that just here there. so pretty much retiring from pearl lol
It's good to take breaks with any game (or game server). You're welcome to come back and visit us as much as you like.
I've been more busy lately so I haven't been actively playing as much and I miss Pearl quite a bit. I haz the day off work tomorrow and plan on gettin' my game on. Maybe we'll run in to each other.
I notice you decide to "retire" from Pear while I am on vacation, must be the fear of cyberwrath, muhahaha. Good luck with whatever you decide is next and do come back.
coming out of retirement couple people think i am quitting pearl so i must do this and start playing again so people dont think that and also become number 1 of the money board