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  1. Enter the address in to your Minecraft client to start playing on Pearlmc. :)
  2. We're on Twitter! Follow @PearlmcNet for updates and tips about our server!
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  4. Join our Discord server for both voice and text chat out of game!

    Visit the Pearlmc Discord Server thread for full information.

New Profile Posts

  1. Fireboy619
    i really do moo too much dont i :(
  2. Fireboy619
    moo went the cow
  3. Primaxed
    Primaxed mattsminecraft12
    Mouse-over the arrow which is next to your name at the top right of the page. Then select 'change username' and in-put what you'd like your new website name to be. Hope i helped. :)
  4. mattsminecraft12
    hhhhhhhhhmmmmmmmmmmmmm could anyone help me ,I changed my ign and this is still using mmy old name how do I cshnge it
  5. Fireboy619
    This is a status update
  6. MarkSB
    I'm very angry, I might just buy a new computer, and NOT and Asus.
  7. Fireboy619
    Skele Bones I am your FAther
  8. Fireboy619
    Its not spam. I just talk a lot.
  9. cyberdrifter
    cyberdrifter Crackernacker
    You have until tomorrow (Friday July 24) to make it right with the players that you griefed and looted from or face being banned.
  10. Fireboy619
    The Turtles are not on fire they have adapted to spout flames
  11. mattsminecraft12
  12. MarkSB
    Playing and Mining in ateph-death toll 3
  13. PixelDoesMC
    Jenna and I can boat to each others' houses in a matter of seconds. #JustNoticed
    1. Jenna likes this.
  14. Shayne1010
    Shayne1010 thinkbyproxy
    hey what ya been up to haven't seen ya in a while idk if you check on the website but hope to maybe see ya around sometime
  15. aideliciouspvp
    :) i got unbanned yay
  16. Gracebrine
  17. stellilongnose :)
    stellilongnose :)
    playin with ma budds on the pearl
    1. Jenna likes this.
  18. Thegamerjo
    1. Shayne1010
      Hi jo
      Feb 22, 2015
  19. MarkSB
    Feeling Awesome! It's still SNOWING!
    1. Jenna likes this.
  20. MarkSB
    Attention cyber: I have found multiple houses claimed for over a year of non use...I will tell you coords as soon as you log on. Thank You!!